Do you wonder if you still have family in the "old country"?
Are you thinking about going to your ancestral town?
Are you concerned about safety and security?
Would you like an advance trip made on your behalf before you go?
Routes to Roots offers customized tours to your ancestral town(s) in Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus. We have staff and offices in these countries who are trained in Jewish tours and knowledgeable about travel conditions and town visits.
- Since 1990, we have offered customized tours which include:
- » Tour planning and itinerary
» Flights and hotels
» Visas when needed
- » Transportation within the country of destination and transfers to/
from airports
» Trained guide/translator and driver/security
» Photographs and video by tour guide (presented to client upon departure)
Advance trips can be made to your ancestral town in order to locate people who may remember your family, prepare local government officials for your visits, search the Jewish cemetery for your family names (when possible), determine appropriate hotels (with hot water and/or heat) in the towns outside of large cities.
During advance trips for our clients, we have discovered previously-unknown relatives for 25% of our clients including a first cousin for one client.
- How much lead time is necessary to plan a customized tour?
For Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus, two to three months depending upon complexity of itinerary, number of countries to be visited, availability of flights and time to arrange visas.
How much do customized tours cost?
Fax the following information to: 201/864-9222
- 1. Estimated travel dates
2. Countries and towns of destination
3. Number of people traveling
4. Your name, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail address
- The price of each tour is determined by a number of factors including:
- » Number of people traveling
» Length of tour
» Number of countries visited
» Advance planning requested (archive research, town visits, interviews,
Copyright ©1997-2016 by Miriam Weiner - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
All photographs, maps and illustrations are owned and/or copyrighted by
the cited photographer, cartographer or institution.
Permission to reproduce, disseminate or display any map or photograph
in any form must be obtained from the copyright holder of the illustration.
All requests for reproduction or dissemination should be addressed to
Routes to Roots, 73 Harbor Key, Secaucus, NJ 07094.