Client Comments
Thank you so much for all your superb efforts in finding my grandmother's family in Nezhin. The hundreds of documents you found enabled me to put together a genealogy going back to the late 1700s. All of us have enjoyed the videotape, pictures and maps you included. Your attention to detail and organization has made it a pleasure to work with you.
Nancy F. Brant
7260 Meadowbrook Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45237
We still gape in wonder as my husband and I record the names of my ancestors and other relatives from the town of Khotin in Bessarabia for whom you found so many records in the National Archives of Kishinev. Your report was very clear and easy to understand. The copies of the Russian documents that you provided means that we can always go back to the original data, should the need ever arise.
Once again, thank you for introducing me to so many of my forebears and cousins about whom I knew absolutely nothing until now.
Bernice Altman Lindner
32 Corte Nogal
Danville, CA 94526
Thank you very much for the superb job you have done in finding the enormous amount of family members and documents for me on your recent visit to three of my ancestral towns in the Ukraine.
You discovered the entire family of my grandfather, who before your trip, I never knew existed. Your tracing and talking to a second cousin of mine from this family in Leningrad, is just miraculous.
You provided us with more than we had hoped for. It is a pleasure to work with someone as professional as you.
Alan and Marjorie Goldberg
411 Harvest Commons
Westport, CT 06880
I could not have imagined or even hoped that you would discover over 700 documents covering the five surnames I submitted. I feel for the first time that the large and deep "void" in my family history puzzle is finally being filled with names, places, communities and most of all, life. It has been a pleasure to have someone of your expertise and dedication working in my behalf.
Jeanne Andelman
(Address available upon request from Routes to Roots)
I just wanted to thank you for your extraordinary good job in finding the immense number of my relatives in my various ancestral towns in Ukraine and Poland. I never expected there to be any archival evidence of any relatives and I was astounded by the many hundreds of names that you have uncovered of my family members. Your superb efforts have made me proud to use your services.
Emil S. Dickstein, M.D., F.A.C.P.
8358 Hitchcock Road
Youngstown, OH 44512
Posting on Prodigy: June 28, 1995
On May 9, 1995, I sent a request to "researcher extraordinair," Miriam Weiner (Routes to Roots) in hopes of finding genealogical information about my great-grandparents born in Tomashpol (Podolia region of Ukraine). On June 17, the phone rings. It is Miriam! "We are translating the documents for a Kushner family from Tomashpol. Did your great-grandmother have a brother named Gersh?" "No," I say, "his name was Hirsch." "H or G, it is the same name," she says. Of course, I know that, but I am numb. The shock of Miriam's statement and its implication causes me to go temporarily "brain-dead."
Do you know the names of his children" she asks? This family tree goes back to the 1700s." At this moment, I do not "know" my own name. I try to check the data in my computer, but I cannot access that either. And, I cannot find the paper file. Feeling like a blithering idiot, I hang up. I call back. "Was Hersch's father Moische Josef," she asks? Were his children named Chana-Ruchel, Moische, Dina and
Feivish?" Yes, yes," I say. To which Miriam replies, "there are 24 people in this family tree. Watch the mail, a packet is coming." "Goodbye," I say and then I cry.
Lois Sernoff
2201 N. Salford St.
Philadelphia, PA 19131-2209
Letter to editor of Mishpacha (a journal published by the Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington):
During our last summer seminar (June, 1995), I contracted with Miriam Weiner, President of Routes to Roots to research my family in Byelorussia. You cannot imagine my surprise when less than three months later I received an enormous package with a wealth of genealogical information about my family extracted from archives in Grodno, the central city of the region.
In all, Ms. Weiner sent me information from 235 documents from three different archives in Grodno including 85 birth and death entries; 17 school records and 131 census records including one in which my own father appeared. The piece de résistance is a family tree that Ms. Weiner created out of the information she sent.
Cindy Koren Gerstl
805 Hyde Road
Silver Spring, MD 20902
Copyright ©1997-2016 by Miriam Weiner - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
All photographs, maps and illustrations are owned and/or copyrighted by
the cited photographer, cartographer or institution.
Permission to reproduce, disseminate or display any map or photograph
in any form must be obtained from the copyright holder of the illustration.
All requests for reproduction or dissemination should be addressed to
Routes to Roots, 73 Harbor Key, Secaucus, NJ 07094.